Los Dos Mundos de Angelita was made in 1983 and written by Puerto Rican writer Jose Manuel Torres. The film exhibits the classic migration tales of Puerto Rican families to New York only through the eyes of a nine-year old child. Centering on the issues of the how entering working class America effects both the individual and the family, the movie tells the economic and emotional insecurity that the “promised land” delivers in a way that is almost too true. It's nuances tell a greater story of the Caribbean population's immigration to the states, but specificly to the Puerto Rican community of New York. Angela sets off with her mother to the city where her father, Chuito, has found employment. The adaption proves difficult for both father and daughter due to their language problems at work and school. This disillusionment challenges the family’s ability to survive.
Runtime: 73 minutes, Writer: Jose Manuel Torres Santiago, Director: Jane Morrison
Interview with Mariem Pérez Riera